Tam school district weighs a shorter-term parcel-tax measure for November ballot
After polling showed support for a proposed 12-year, 50-percent parcel-tax increase dropping below the two-thirds’ threshold needed for approval, the Tamalpais Union High School District is considering delaying that request and instead putting a scaled-back version on the November ballot — a short-term supplemental tax that would help ease the district’s immediate budget woes. A survey of 961 likely voters in the district conducted earlier this month by polling firm Godbe Research showed uninformed support for the proposed tax — in which responses are collected without giving any other messages about the tax measure or the district — was about 65 percent. Informed support for the tax, in which those polled are given additional messages, was lower, at about 60 percent. Both fall short of the 66.6-percent voter approval needed to pass a parcel tax, though the margin of error for poll was about 3.1 percent.
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