Photographer finds niche capturing boats in water

Craig McAllister regularly gets up about 4 a.m. — way before the sun rises — to be ready for a planned photography shoot.
He specializes in photos of boat hulls and their reflections in the water. This focus got its start about four years ago when he lived in a San Francisco apartment overlooking the Bay Bridge. “I really like reflections, and I liked taking photos of the bridge’s reflection at night,” he says. “Then, a couple of years ago, I was searching for my (photographic) niche. I was in Naples, Fla., and happened to take a picture of a hull perfectly reflected in the water. And I suddenly thought, ‘I’ve got it.’” Since then, McAllister says he’s taken at least 10,000 photos of boats, 20 of which will be on display Oct. 8-Nov. 2 in an exhibit of his work at the Belvedere-Tiburon Library. An artist’s reception is set for 6-8 p.m. Oct. 9. (Diane Smith photo)
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