Election results hold pat as latest ballot counts firm up races
Tiburon Town Council candidate Jack Ryan has widened his lead over Planning Commissioner Daniel Amir in the three-way race for the single vacant seat. The latest tally, provided by the county Elections Department late March 13, is on trend with the rest of the March 3 presidential-primary election, in which the counting of an additional 33,000 ballots has only firmed up early results. The county last week reduced its outstanding count from 39,000 to 6,000 ballots left to tally countywide from the March 3 presidential-primary election. As of the March 13 update, Ryan had 1,301 votes, or 37 percent of the ballots cast, extending his lead to 130 votes from 90 over Amir, who has garnered 33.3 percent of the vote. Amir’s Planning Commission colleague Kathleen Defever was in third, with 1,027 votes, or 29.2 percent.
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