Peter A. Clarke

Peter A. Clarke, age 86, a 36-year resident of Tiburon, passed away at home on May 1, 2020, with Mimi, his loving wife for 42 years, at his side. He is survived by his son Caleb, whom he dearly loved, and his many nieces and nephews in Ohio, Indiana and Georgia.
Peter was the essence of being “a gentleman and a scholar.” He was very successful in business and equally successful in life. Peter had literally hundreds of friends and acquaintances who will mourn his passing. His winning personality and positive approach endeared him to everyone he met. He was the personification of the term “hale fellow, well met.”
Born in Columbus, Ohio, he was one of four sons of George Caleb Clarke and Cecilia Ruth Noonan. He was predeceased by his brothers David, Caleb and John. Peter was raised in Cincinnati, attended St. Xavier High School and graduated from the University of Cincinnati. He was a proud member of the Sigma Chi fraternity.
Peter had terrific sales skills that helped pay his way through college. Upon graduation, he joined NCR Corp. to sell business machines. While at NCR’s “Sugar Camp,” he met compatriots whom he realized were having more fun in San Francisco than he was living at home with his mother. It was time to move out west.
He left NCR to fulfill one of his life’s ambitions, traveling to Europe, the Middle East, Egypt and the Far East. When he returned, he noticed that six of the top businessmen in the U.S. were in real estate. This prompted him to start a new profession. He learned to sell commercial real estate with the Damon Raike firm. He later joined Hadley Properties and developed the Amfac Towers in Honolulu. His did this in record time, earning recognition as “Mr. Real Estate.” Upon returning to San Francisco he, with Paul Cramer, started the highly successful Clarke & Cramer commercial real estate firm. Peter managed C&C for 25 years, until he retired in 1997.
Peter was a mainstay in the San Francisco business community. He was president of SIOR (Society of Industrial and Office Realtors), vice president of SME (Sales and Marketing Executives), president of the Hibernian Newman Club, and an active member of the S.F. Rotary Club and the China Camp Chapter of Sons in Retirement (SIRS). He was a devotee of the symphony and opera and he loved to play golf and bocce ball.
Peter was always a witty and charming presence. One of his favorite afternoon activities was to spend Happy Hour with an eclectic, interesting and fun group of friends that he held close to his heart.
Peter was a Eucharistic Minister at St. Hilary’s Church and a longtime member of the Men’s Prayer Group.
A funeral mass and reception, celebrating Peter’s life, will be held sometime in the future when St. Hilary’s Church re-opens.