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Fire district will seek town approval for new Paradise Drive station

Updated: Mar 25

A rendering shows the exterior of a planned new $5.7-million Tiburon Fire Protection District station at Trestle Glen Boulevard and Paradise Drive, where the existing station would be demolished. The district will take the proposal to the Tiburon Design Review Board on March 21. (LCA Architects via Tiburon Fire Protection District)

The Tiburon Fire Protection District will ask the town for permission to demolish its existing Paradise Drive firehouse and replace it with a new building that officials say better fits modern firefighting needs.


The Design Review Board is set to consider the plans for a new $5.7-million Station 10, located at 4301 Paradise Drive at the corner of Trestle Glen Boulevard, at its March 21 meeting.


The district, which has its headquarters on downtown Tiburon Boulevard and serves the town southeast of Trestle Glen Boulevard and all of Belvedere, has been eyeing the station upgrades since 2016. Station 10 was originally built in the 1960s as a two-stall station for volunteer firefighters and has since been built up to about 4,000 square feet to include living quarters, on-duty staff and additional fire apparatus.


The district is aiming to replace the current building with a new 4,952-square-foot station and 124-square-foot training tower.

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