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Mix of realist, abstract paintings on display in latest library exhibit

While growing up in Los Angeles, Elaine West was always drawing. By the time she was in middle school, she was known as the class artist. The Inverness resident went on to earn a degree in fine arts at Mount St. Mary’s University in Los Angeles, specializing in drawing and painting. Her works have mainly been traditional oils on canvas in a style she calls “painterly photorealism.” However, about three or four years ago, she began to create abstracts. “I enjoy going back and forth between abstracts and realism, doing whatever inspires me,” she says. West’s works in both those styles will be on display in “Realism, Illusion and Eventually Driven to Abstraction,” an exhibit of her work running Aug. 14-Sept. 6 at the Belvedere-Tiburon Library. There will be an artist’s reception from 6 to 8 p.m. Aug. 14. (Diane Smith photo)

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