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Threat to Black-owned business Yema an ‘immature’ prank, Tiburon police say

Police say two Tiburon Peninsula teens are responsible for an unsubstantiated social-media threat to “raid” a Black-owned business in downtown Tiburon if former Vice President Joe Biden won the presidency on Election Day. According to police, a 14-year-old from Belvedere and a 13-year-old from Tiburon have admitted to creating a fake Instagram account under another classmate’s name and on Nov. 2 posted a picture of Main Street boutique Yema with the message “If Biden wins me and the boys gonna go raid yemma. 4:00 on Election Day show up” alongside a string of emojis that included a green water gun. The teens who created the Instagram account were reported to police by a Tiburon resident who overheard them talking about the post. (Deirdre McCrohan photo / The Ark)

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