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Reed school district pushes daily return to classrooms to Jan. 11

In a last-minute shift, the Reed Union School District has delayed its return to daily in-person instruction, set to begin this week, until Jan. 11. The move comes amid a stricter regional stay-at-home order that allows schools to continue offering in-person instruction but tightens restrictions on businesses and personal gatherings in an effort to curb a record surge in coronavirus cases occurring throughout the state. District Superintendent Nancy Lynch sent out an email to parents late Dec. 4 notifying them the district would not be making the transition to phase three of its reopening plan on Dec. 7 as originally scheduled. Instead, she said, all three district schools will remain in phase two, a hybrid model that combines in-person classes and distance learning, for the two weeks leading up to winter break, which begins Dec. 21 and runs through Jan. 4.

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