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Tiburon's long-term diversity plan seeks to address structural inequities

Tiburon’s ambitious new long-term diversity, equity and inclusion strategy identifies nearly four dozen programs to address institutionalized injustice, from seeking more opportunities for historically marginalized residents to participate in government to improving access to affordable housing, healthy food, health care, education, safety, services and transit.

“It’s very comprehensive … (building) diversity, equity and inclusion into all aspects of what the town is governing,” Tina Paikeday, one of five at-large members of the town’s Diversity Inclusion Task Force, said in an interview last week. “We’re going to be brainstorming on the initiatives we’d like to take forward and bring to the task force, and then to the (Town) Council. We need to prioritize for the near-term.”

The 19-page diversity element, alongside the climate-forward sustainability element, is one of the two new additions to Tiburon’s state-mandated general plan, which guides development and articulates the town’s priorities and vision for the next 20 years, with goals, policies and programs for implementing them. Together at more than 1,450 pages, the draft general plan and its associated environmental-impact report were released March 16 for public review, with a community workshop set for April 29 and Town Council adoption expected May 17.

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