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New library exhibit spotlights Fairfax artist’s pastel works

Wendy Goldberg grew up in New England, where she says she “fell in love with the moody, dynamic skies and landscapes.” As a child, she enjoyed exploring the nearby woods, watching the birds and developing her appreciation for the beauty of nature. “I like drawing things that change — like clouds, the weather, the light,” she says. “Most plein-air artists draw exactly what they see. I tend to shift things around. The piece of art is more important than trying to make a photo replica.” Several of Goldberg’s works will be on display in “Drawing out the Light,” an exhibit set to run July 10-Aug. 9 in the Belvedere-Tiburon Library Founders Room. There will be an artist’s reception from 6 to 8 p.m. July 11. (Diane Smith photo)

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