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Citizen scientists record Belvedere king tide as part of sea-level rise project

A group of citizen scientists fanned out across the Belvedere shoreline on a sunny Monday morning last week to snap photos of a king tide, part of a statewide effort to visualize sea-level rise.

Spearheaded by Belvedere Vice Mayor Nancy Kemnitzer and Councilmember Claire McAuliffe, more than a dozen residents went to the shores along Beach Road and San Rafael Avenue shortly before 11 a.m. Jan. 21 to record conditions during a 7.1-foot king tide.

Kemnitzer said she was inspired to do the project in Belvedere after hearing about the California King Tides Project, a partnership of state, federal and nonprofit agencies that seeks to record the highest tides as they occur today and create an ongoing record of coastal changes due to sea-level rise. (Elliot Karlan photo / For The Ark)

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