Marin struggles to prioritize housing for Richardson Bay anchor-outs

At its January meeting at Tiburon Town Hall, the Richardson Bay Regional Agency board of directors, which manages the anchorage between Belvedere and Sausalito, agreed to draft a letter to the county of Marin requesting that those living aboard anchored-out boats on the bay be given priority for onshore public housing. Sausalito officials had drafted a similar request in December after a man died trying to get from shore to his boat in heavy weather. County officials, however, say subsidized housing is scarce, and changing their needs-based ranking priorities for housing will not be easy: The privately developed scoring tool now in use doesn’t consider anchor-outs to be as vulnerable as, for example, homeless who primarily live on the streets, and it can’t be changed by county officials — even if they wanted to. (Elliot Karlan photo / For The Ark)
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