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Five-day-a-week return to class could come as soon as Nov. 9

Kids in the Reed Union School District are set to return to class part-time the week of Oct. 5 and could be back on campus five days a week by Nov. 9. The district board at its Sept. 22 teleconference meeting voted unanimously in favor of transitioning students from full-time distance learning to a hybrid model that combines distance learning and in-person classes starting Oct. 5, one week later than the Sept. 29 date county public-health officials have said is the earliest schools can reopen under current guidelines. At the same meeting, the board voted 4-1, with Amy Jacobs dissenting, to commit to spending at least five weeks in the hybrid model before students resume in-person classes five days a week — though officials noted that date could be pushed back depending on how the coronavirus is impacting the community and county later in the fall.

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