A&C Ventures is named chamber’s business of the year
Commercial landlord A&C Ventures has been named the Tiburon Peninsula Chamber of Commerce’s 2022 Business of the Year.
Chamber Executive Director DeAnn Biss said the commercial real-estate firm was chosen because it has been heavily involved in revitalizing downtown Tiburon since in 2018, when it opened an office on Main Street.
Representatives from A&C declined to be interviewed about the award, handed out annually by the chamber to honor an individual or organization that has demonstrated leadership, professional excellence and a deep commitment to the community.
Biss said A&C Ventures, which also does business locally as ACV Argo Tiburon LP, owns about 35 percent of downtown Tiburon’s mixed-use commercial space and has worked to recruit new tenants to downtown Tiburon over the past several years. Those include celebrity chef Michael Mina’s latest restaurant, Bungalow Kitchen at 5 Main St., and wine bar Squalo Vino at 34 Main St., which is operated by David Grieve, who owns Grieve Family Winery. Grieve founded A&C Ventures in 1992 and serves as its chairman and CEO.
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