Belvedere keeps its focus on pensions, infrastructure in $9.8 mil draft budget
Belvedere plans to continue to defer spending on its walking-lane initiative and the hiring of a new police officer in its preliminary fiscal 2023 budget — and beyond — as the city tucks more cash toward its pension reserves and its anticipated quake-and-flooding infrastructure project.
At its May 9 meeting, the City Council reviewed the draft, which plans for $9.8 million in spending on $10.03 million in revenues in the fiscal year beginning July 1. Expenses are down about 8 percent from current-year estimates, but still up nearly 22 percent from fiscal 2021; revenues are down about 1 percent but up about 6 percent from last year.
One of the city’s top goals is the Protect Belvedere project, a $28 million proposal to fortify San Rafael Avenue and Beach Road, which house essential utilities and could be rendered impassible by residents and first-responders in the event of a major earthquake or flooding and, eventually, sea rise. To date, the city has spent about $667,000 on planning and design and intends to allocate another $145,000 next year, as well as $85,000 for improvements on Beach Road.
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