Belvedere’s housing plans to be ready for public review next month
Belvedere is planning to release its draft housing element for public review next month — but officials say the city is not on track to have the state-mandated plan certified by the Jan. 31 deadline and will instead need to take advantage of a grace period for tardy submissions.
The draft, which must show how Belvedere could accommodate 160 new units over the next eight years, is expected to shift slightly from preliminary findings in the spring, as city officials say residents have shown interest in adding second units or splitting their lots. That should allow the city to remove some targeted sites for rezoning.
The draft element will be made public for a required 30-day review at least a week before an Oct. 20 public hearing in which the City Council will meet jointly with the Planning Commission to review it. After making any adjustments, if necessary, the city is aiming to then submit the draft to the California Department of Housing and Community Development by December. The state then has 90 days to review it and return it to the city with comments, potentially requiring further revisions.
The housing element is one of the required parts of the city’s general plan, which helps guide long-term growth and development. Cities across the state must update their housing element every eight years.
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