Mountain lion tracked deep into Tiburon

Lore of mountain-lion sightings surface every few years on the Tiburon Peninsula, with descriptions of big cats “larger than a large dog” accompanied by grainy photos as conclusive as footage of Bigfoot and UFOs.
Residents and wildlife experts alike have historically expressed skepticism an animal of such size could cross Highway 101 and through residential areas to make it down to the Ring Mountain and Old St. Hilary’s open spaces without at least being spotted elsewhere first.
But last week, trackers with the Living with Lions project say a GPS-collared young male did just that, taking an extended tour of the peninsula and making it as far as the southern tip of the Martha property before heading back to Mill Valley.
“Between 1 and 3 in the morning (April 12), he crosses Highway 101 and then walks all the way down to the bottom of the peninsula,” wildlife ecologist and project director Quinton Martins said of the cat, dubbed P36. “(He) left between 9 and 11 p.m. on the 14th, so spent over two days there.”
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