Reed district plans more on-campus learning in April
The Reed Union School District plans to extend the in-person school day at all three of its campuses beginning in mid-April, a move that will eliminate most remote learning and bring students the closest they’ve been to a typical schedule since the start of the pandemic. The district last week announced it would be moving into phase four of its five-phase reopening plan on April 19. The new schedule would extend the current five-day-a-week in-person school day at Bel Aire and Reed elementary schools by about 1½ hours on most days. At Del Mar Middle School, students will move from four days of in-person classes to five, and their time on campus will increase by up to 2½ hours per day. The changes would have students completely off Zoom and in the classroom for close to a full pre-pandemic school day — a milestone in the district’s yearlong effort to adapt student learning to constantly changing coronavirus conditions.
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