Sewer district will implement fixed fee to connect new fixtures to network
Tiburon Peninsula residents living in Sanitary District No. 5 of Marin’s service area will soon pay a uniform $914 hookup fee for new toilets, sinks and washing machines. The change will lower costs for Belvedere and southern Tiburon customers, who will pay $364 and $6 less, respectively, but will be a significant hike for those living in unincorporated Tiburon, who will pay $480 more to install a new fixture.
The Sani 5 board of directors on Aug. 15 gave preliminary approval to the fixed rate across the district, which covers all of Belvedere, Tiburon southeast of Gilmartin Drive and unincorporated Paradise Drive. A second vote to formally adopt the new connection-fee amount is set for the board’s Sept. 19 meeting, and the new fees would go into effect 30 days later.
“Joining everything into one zone, further getting our connection rates into one single rate, is greatly going to reduce the amount of work that our staff has to do to keep track of these fees and these permits on our system,” District Manager Tony Rubio said during the meeting. A year ago, Sani 5 approved a five-year increase in service charges that will ultimately create rate parity for the first time since Belvedere joined the district in 2005.
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