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Stewart Drive sinkhole is stabilized, with repairs resuming next week

Caltrans officials say they have stabilized a 10-foot sinkhole that has shut down the Stewart Drive crosswalk at Tiburon Boulevard, with work expected to resume next week.


Agency spokesperson Matt O’Donnell said that one-way traffic control with flaggers could be in store between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Feb. 5-9, with the work on the sinkhole and damaged culvert taking place between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.


In an interview, O’Donnell said that “as long as the weather cooperates,” work should be completed in about 2.5 weeks, or sometime the week of Feb. 19.


The crosswalk is popular for neighborhood residents to reach the Old Rail Trail and then access town parks and downtown. The sinkhole, on the trail end of the crosswalk, was first discovered Jan. 24, closing the crosswalk to pedestrians and cyclists. They’re being detoured inbound along Virginia Drive and through the Del Mar Middle School campus out to Avenida Miraflores, where they can cross Tiburon Boulevard to connect to the trail.


Caltrans, which has jurisdiction over the boulevard as State Route 131, began repairs Jan. 26 but was forced to stop when an at atmospheric river slammed the peninsula on Jan. 31, dumping more than 2 inches of rain.


Tiburon officials did not immediately respond to an inquiry as to when the sidewalk might reopen based on the new Caltrans timeline.





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