Tiburon arts commission expresses early support for painted utility boxes
The Tiburon Heritage and Arts Commission has tentatively backed a proposal to paint murals on the town’s public utility boxes, telling the pair of locals behind the idea to gather more information and an estimated cost before returning to the board.
The commission will also designate a subcommittee to work with the residents, Tiburon’s Devin Stroman and Strawberry’s Ajmal Noorani, on the plan. Any recommendation to move forward with the project would ultimately need to be approved by the Town Council.
Dozens of cities in the Bay Area and around the world — from San Rafael, Napa and Santa Clara to Calgary, Auckland and Kuala Lumpur — have turned their utility boxes into public art, with whimsical and fanciful designs painted by local artists catching the attention of drivers and passersby.
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