Tiburon mayor ousts her colleague from Golden Gate Bridge district board
In a rare breach of Town Council collegiality, Tiburon Mayor Holli Thier has jockeyed to unseat fellow councilmember Alice Fredericks and take her place to represent Marin’s 11 cities and towns on the board of the Golden Gate Bridge district.
Despite not having consensus support from her own council colleagues, Thier was able to leverage loose rules on how a town decides which candidate to back and used her mayoral power as Tiburon’s voting member on Marin County Council of Mayors and Councilmembers to vote for herself over five-term incumbent Fredericks, the only other nominee. Paired with the endorsement of the North Bay Labor Council and a sentiment favoring new blood, she won the vote 7-4 at the countywide council’s Oct. 27 meeting.
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