Tiburon residents can give feedback on housing plan at Aug. 3 meeting
Members of the public will have a chance to weigh in on Tiburon’s draft housing plan — which requires the town to identify potential sites for more than 600 new units over the next eight years — at the Aug. 3 Town Council meeting.
The council is set to discuss the draft plan at the meeting, which begins at 5 p.m. over Zoom. Visit townoftiburon.org/283 for connection details
The council will be considering any changes it wants to make to the document before sending it off to the state, which will have 90 days to review it and either approve it or send it back with directions for further modifications.
Under Tiburon’s regional housing needs allocation for the 2023-2031 cycle, the town must identify sites where 639 new units can be developed and then rezone those areas to allow for it. Those changes must then be reflected in the housing element of the general plan, the document that guides the town’s growth and development over the next 20 years. The town is simultaneously working on an overarching update to the general plan.
The town doesn’t have to build the housing complexes or finance them and can’t compel a private property owner to build the housing or to redevelop an existing building for housing. No applications for redevelopment are currently under review.
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