Tiburon will bring colorful art exhibit to coastal park
Tiburon will bring a public-art exhibition of floating multicolored cloth to South of the Knoll Park next spring.
The untitled work by Thomas Jackson, a former Marin resident now in Philadelphia, will be set up from May 7 to July 7 at the coastal park, which sits along the Old Rail Trail. The lightweight fabric, attached to fiberglass poles, will be arranged to catch the breeze in the southeast corner of the park near the children’s playgrounds.
“This is such a different, interesting art,” Town Councilmember Holli Thier said during an Oct. 19 public hearing, where the council gave it unanimous support. “I really love it. I love that the installer is also a photographer, so it will have permanence. The piece of art will be in photographs.”
Heritage and Arts Commission Vice Chair Arjun Gupta — who shepherded the project through his own board and then through the Parks, Open Space and Trails Commission — presented the plan to the council, saying he hopes it will draw visitors from across the Bay Area and start an annual outdoor exhibition.
“We would like to put Tiburon on the map as an arts-and-culture destination,” he said. “This Jackson work is a good place to begin because it is palatable and easily accessible.”
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