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Longtime Tiburon Wash-and-Fold operator forced out at laundromat

The longtime operator of the wash-and-fold business-within-a business at the downtown Tiburon Laundromat must be out by the end of October. Sun Cha-Chang, 73, has been washing, drying and folding Tiburon residents’ laundry as an independent operator of Tiburon Wash & Fold inside the coin-operated laundry at 1690 Tiburon Blvd. for 29 years. The laundry itself is owned by Michael Gralnick of Marin Laundromats, who said he needs a larger physical space with ventilation at his Tiburon laundry to stage his growing pickup-and

-delivery operations in a safe environment amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and that Chang refused to share a back room with him. (Elliot Karlan photo / For The Ark)

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