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Tiburon Laundromat will close its doors after three decades

Michael Gralnick, owner of Tiburon Laundromat at 1690 Tiburon Blvd., stands next to the coin-operated washing machines. Gralnick will shutter the laundromat within the next few months as operating costs have risen too high. (Elliot Karlan / For The Ark)

The Tiburon Laundromat is set to shut its doors after more than 30 years of serving customers out of its downtown storefront.

Owner Michael Gralnick said the combination of the rising costs of doing business and a decrease in customers led to his decision to close the business, located at 1690 Tiburon Blvd.

“The costs are just too much to have a laundromat there, and we didn’t find enough people coming out of their apartment or condo laundry rooms to support the increased costs,” said Gralnick, who owns the business with his wife, Kym.

He said the laundromat, which offers drop-offs, pick-ups and self-service, will remain open until the machinery is sold and removed by the installers, which he guessed would take about three months. The business remains on the hook for the current 18 months left on the lease, unless the building’s owner, the Mantegani family, finds a replacement tenant sooner.

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