Residents weigh in on future of Tiburon's parks
Tiburon residents offered a variety of insights on how to improve the town’s parks and open spaces at two recent workshops designed to help the town develop a master parks management plan.
Nearly two-dozen people attended a Sept. 11 workshop at Town Hall and five people attended a virtual workshop via Zoom the following day. The sessions were designed to gather community input for a master plan for guiding the use, development and management of Tiburon’s 70-acre parks and open-space system.
That includes Shoreline Park, the Old Rail Trail and the Richardson Bay Lineal Park system spanning Blackie’s Pasture, McKegney Green and South of the Knoll Park, as well as tucked-away spots like Cypress Hollow Park, Belveron Mini Park and Zelinsky Park.
In addition to the forums, the town has sent out a resident survey to solicit comments and recently launched a website,, to educate residents and gather additional feedback.
The town will also host a community walk 1-3:30 p.m. Sept. 24, beginning at the Blackie’s Pasture parking lot, to offer residents the chance to visualize where improvements can go.
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