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State again rejects Tiburon’s eight-year plan for housing

The former Shark’s Deli at 1600 Tiburon Blvd., which has been used by landlord ACV Argo Tiburon LP as a construction-staging site for its other projects, such as restaurants Bungalow Kitchen and Malibu Farm, has been identified by Tiburon as the potential site of up to 11 new housing units in the next eight years. But in rejecting Tiburon’s 2023-2031 housing element, the California Housing and Community Development Department questions realistic use of that site and others for housing if renovations are occurring there. Tiburon has already given ACV Argo approval to turn it into a new bistro — with no new housing. (Elliot Karlan photo / For The Ark)

Tiburon’s eight-year roadmap to accommodate new housing has been rejected by the state for a second time, throwing a potential curve in plans to both regain tighter development controls and to ensure the town isn’t further penalized with accelerated-rezoning requirements.

Nevertheless, officials say they will forge ahead with quick revisions to the 2023-2031 housing element and “self-certify” it at a special May 22 meeting of the Town Council. They assert that will stop the clock on penalties, though the state housing agency says it has the final word on whether — and when — Tiburon’s actually in compliance.

In an April 17 letter, the California Department of Housing and Community Development said the revised draft of Tiburon’s housing plan continues to fail to provide goals, actions, programs and timelines to promote fair housing opportunities and to assist in the development of below-market-rate housing.

The agency also continues to question Tiburon’s overall site list, specifically its allocation of more than half its low-income housing to downtown sites that are already developed. It wants more information on how recent renovations, historic status, long-term leases and other building uses there are consistent with assertions that the sites are able, and likely, to be redeveloped in the next several years.

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