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Tiburon wants more work, feedback on future of town parks

Tiburon’s master plan for its parks and recreation system will need to be retooled after the Town Council asked the consultant to switch gears: Instead of recommending specific activities and amenities for certain parks, it wants a more generalized list of active and passive activities the town could then match to a particular park in the future.


The council, which reviewed a draft of the plan at its March 20 meeting, also asked consultant WRT Planning and Design to solicit additional public feedback on the plan, which is now targeted for final approval by the council in September.


WRT has been working for months to develop a long-term plan for the town’s 70-acre parks and recreation system, which includes the Richardson Bay Lineal Park system that spans from Blackie’s Pasture to South of the Knoll Park and includes all of the Old Rail Trail and adjacent green space. The draft plan presented to the council last week came after four public workshops, a fall brainstorming walking tour of the parks system, an online survey that elicited responses from 400 residents and pop-up feedback sessions at two downtown events last summer.

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