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Diane Lynch

Garden Plot columnist

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Join date: Dec 18, 2019

Posts (28)

Dec 11, 20241 min
Garden Plot: Local nurseries offer variety of garden gifts for the holidays
Cottage Gardens in Petaluma makes Tuffits, realistic pillows for tip-toeing through your garden. (Diane Lynch / For The Ark) The holidays...

Oct 17, 20241 min
Garden Plot: Think California natives when planting for fall
With the arrival of fall, it’s time to think about what to plant to improve the garden or fill in blanks where plants aren’t thriving or...

Aug 7, 20241 min
Garden Plot: A variety of plants will attract birds to your yard
We are very fortunate to have a lot of birds in Marin. Many are seasonal and migrate through, sometimes stopping to rest, eat and breed....

Jul 10, 20241 min
Garden Plot: Home-grown fruits, veggies boast stand-out flavor
Some years my little Blenheim apricot tree produces more than 100 apricots, so I’ve made jam from most of them. It turns out that...

Mar 28, 20241 min
Garden Plot: The bloom of tulip bulbs is a favorite sign of spring
Usually, Marin is finished with the chilly weather by the end of January, but it was 50 degrees out a few times in February and recently...

Jan 18, 20241 min
Garde Plot: Now’s the time to prep your garden for spring and summer
If you think you get to sit in your recliner and browse the seed catalogs all of January, think again. Pruning, planting and spraying...

Dec 13, 20231 min
Garden Plot: Find the perfect gift for every gardener at Marin’s nurseries
Every year I make a pilgrimage to many of the local nurseries to see what’s new or interesting. I do get some shopping done, but...

Nov 8, 20231 min
Garden Plot: Replace invasives with low-water plants this fall
As soon as the rains start — and it won’t be soon enough for my very dry garden — it’s time to remove unwanted plants and put in new...

Oct 4, 20232 min
Garden Plot: Experiment with container gardens in small spaces
Just because you live in an apartment doesn’t mean you can’t have a garden. If you have a deck, there’s something you can grow. Or maybe...

Sep 7, 20231 min
Garden Plot: Bugs, insects, spiders an important part of garden ecosystem
About half of life on earth is concentrated in the insect class, which is in the Arthropod phylum. Insects are characterized by having an...

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