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Training teaches Del Mar school students to give hands-only CPR, stanch blood loss

Groves, a nurse who works as a program coordinator for Marin County Health and Human Services’ Emergency Medical Services Agency, visited all of Del Mar’s sixth-grade physical-education classes Nov. 20-21 to teach the students how to administer hands-only CPR and how to stop traumatic blood loss. With the help of personnel from the Tiburon Fire Protection District, Groves walked the students through the steps they should take if someone falls into cardiac arrest or if someone is injured and losing blood. The county has been offering the training to local schools for years, partly in response to a state law passed in 2016 that requires students, starting with the class of 2019, to learn hands-only CPR as a requirement for high-school graduation. (Frank Fennema photos / For The Ark)

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