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Writer's pictureDeirdre McCrohan

Tiburon seeks more time before backing potential housing sites

Tiburon has tentatively identified more than a dozen sites that could accommodate new high-density housing — including Main Street, The Cove Shopping Center and several locations along Tiburon Boulevard — but the Town Council said it wants more information and possible alternatives before it backs the list.

The council reviewed the list at its April 20 teleconference meeting but decided it wanted to hold a special workshop on the sites list and the larger housing plan.

Under Tiburon’s regional housing needs allocation for the 2023-2031 cycle, the town must identify sites where 639 new units can be developed and then rezone those areas to allow for it. Those changes must then be reflected in the housing element of the general plan, the document that guides the town’s growth and development over the next 20 years. The town is simultaneously working on an overarching update to the general plan.

The town doesn’t have to build the housing complexes or finance them and can’t compel a private property owner to build the housing or to redevelop an existing building for housing.

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