County to review list of Strawberry sites for housing
The Marin Board of Supervisors will review a refined list of possible housing sites across unincorporated Marin — including a dozen parcels in Strawberry that could accommodate up to 264 new units — at an April 12 virtual meeting.
The 5 p.m. forum will be held jointly with the county Planning Commission and is the latest in a series of meetings to solicit public feedback on the county’s state-mandated attempt to plan for significantly more housing across its unincorporated areas over the next eight years.
The 12 potential Strawberry parcels are among more than 250 parcels the county has preliminarily identified as areas where housing could be developed during the 2023-2031 housing cycle. Under a state affordable-housing mandate known as the Regional Housing Needs Allocation, the county needs to plan for 3,569 new housing units, nearly half of which must be very-low- or low-income, across its unincorporated areas in the upcoming cycle.
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