Reed district students make math gains on standardized testing
Students in the Reed Union School District once again achieved high marks on their annual standardized tests, with English scores holding steady and math proficiency increasing districtwide.
Some 80% of Reed district students met or exceeded grade-level standards in English, 79% in math, according to the results of the exam, released Oct. 18 by the California Department of Education. That’s down just slightly from the 81% of students who met or exceeded English standards on last year’s exam but up five percentage points from the 74% for math in 2022.
The improvement in math scores was seen across most key student groups, including a marked increase in proficiency — some 18 percentage points — among the district’s socioeconomically disadvantaged students and a four-percentage-point uptick among the district’s English language learners. However, the gains did little to close a persistent achievement gap, as those groups and the district’s Hispanic students continued to significantly lag behind their white and Asian classmates.
Still, the district’s overall scores remain notably higher than average in Marin, where about 61% of students met or exceeded standards in English, 52% in math, and in California, where just 47% of students met or exceeded standards in English, 35% in math.
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