Tiburon Town Council special election is Nov. 2
Kathleen Defever, Noah Griffin, Brian McCullough and Nora Noguez are running for a single interim seat, with the winner to be sworn in at the Dec. 8 meeting and serving through November 2024.
All registered voters in Tiburon were to receive mail-in ballots; completed ballots must be postmarked by Nov. 2 and received by the county Elections Department by Nov. 9. Completed ballots may also be dropped at boxes open 24 hours per day, through 8 p.m. Nov. 2, at Tiburon Town Hall and the Marin Civic Center, or at a polling place on Election Day. In-person voting is at Tiburon Town Hall and Tiburon Baptist Church from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Nov. 2; check your ballot for your polling place.
The deadline to register was Oct. 18, but voters may continue to register in person at the county Elections Department or at a polling place on Election Day.
• Watch the candidates forum: Sponsored by The Ark and the League of Women Voters of Marin, the forum can be viewed at any time on YouTube via arkn.ws/tiburon-forum-2021.
• Check your voter-registration status: registertovote.ca.gov.
• Track your mail-in ballot: wheresmyballot.sos.ca.gov.
• Marin Department of Elections: marinvotes.org.