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Wellify Teen aims to help families and teens navigate mental-health questions

One of the most difficult experiences Sally Newson has had as a parent was watching her then-13-year-old struggle with mental-health issues that started to appear in 2012. Her teen, who identifies as nonbinary and uses the pronouns they/them, was suffering from substance abuse and started showing signs of depression and displaying impulsive behavior that slowly turned into self-harm and suicidal thoughts. “I made a vow that if I get through this and find light at the end of the tunnel, I will help other parents,” Newson says. She followed through on that promise in 2019 by founding the nonprofit Wellify Teen. Through Wellify Teen’s website, Marin County parents can access a clinical-level mental-health screening for teens, education about mental illness and resources for seeking a diagnosis and treatment. (Rachel Simpson photo / For The Ark)

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